Natal mahogany / Natal mahonie
Natal mahogany / Natal mahonie
The Natal mahogany is an evergreen tree with handsome dark green glossy leaves and a wide-spreading crown. Its sweet-scented flowers will attract bees and birds to your garden.
Botanical Name:
Trichelia emetica
Did you know?
The powdered bark of Trichilia emetica is a popular remedy for stomach and intestinal ailments. The bark is also used to produce a pinkish dye
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White stinkwood / Wit stinkhout
White stinkwood / Wit stinkhoutAn ideal garden tree – the white stinkwood usually has a single trunk and broadly upright to rounded crown. When planted on the northern or western side of the house, the shade provided cools the house in summer yet allows the sun through to heat up the house in winter.
Botanical Name:
Celtis africana
Did you know?
When freshy cut, the wood has an unpleasant smell, hence the common names “stinkwood”.
Cheesewood / Kasuur
Cheesewood / KasuurA small to medium-sized, well-shaped tree with glossy leaves that have a resinous smell when crushed. A beautiful garden tree, which can be grown in sun or semi-shade, and can be used in forest and bush clumps as well as being used as a hedge plant. It’s a wonderful shade tree, and with its non-aggressive root system it’s ideal for small gardens and containers.
Botanical Name:
Pittosporum viridiflorum
Did you know?
Many birds, including the Red-eyed Dove and several starlings eat the seeds. Goats and game (Kudu, Nyala, and Bushbuck) browse the leaves.
Wild pear / Drolpeer
Wild pear / DrolpeerThe wild pear is a lovely garden specimen, and the spectacular show of scented flowers is a herald of spring. It has a single stem and a somewhat rounded crown. It is both frost and drought resistant.
Botanical Name:
Dombeya rotundifolia
Did you know?
Strong rope can be made from the fibrous inner bark.
Red ivory / Rooi ivoor
Red ivory / Rooi ivoorThis medium-sized and neatly shaped tree normally grows in groups with other trees and is very attractive to birds. The leaves are glossy dark green above and pale green below. It’s generally a smaller tree than the berchemia discolor with smaller leaves and reddish fruit.
Botanical Name:
Berchemia zeyheri
Did you know?
The delicious fruits are eaten fresh. They may be stored in containers and the sticky sweet mass may still be edible after several months.