Broomcluster fig / Besemtrosvy
Broomcluster fig / Besemtrosvy
This tree boasts a massive spreading crown. The figs are born in large clusters on the stem of the tree and very often low down close to the ground. Like most figs, it can be found along rivers and other water sources. It provides food for a lot of animals.
Botanical Name:
Ficus sur
Did you know?
Fig jam can be made from the fruits!
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Botanical Name:
Celtis africana
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Botanical Name:
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Jackalberry / Jakkalsbessie
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Botanical Name:
Diospyros mespiliformis
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Coral tree / Koraal
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Botanical Name:
Erythrina lysistemon
Did you know?
Also known by many as the “Lucky bean” tree due to its beautiful red seeds.